BREAKING — You can no longer find out if your crush (or ex!) stalks you through Instagram Stories! Unless Instagram gives pity to our egoistic souls and reverts back to its pre-update state, it’ll be a constant curiosity for (most of) us whether or not our daily shenanigans recorded on 15-second clips even interest our (target) followers, 24 hours after posting our Stories to Instagram.
Our millenial selves are shookt — and furious that the new Instagram update rolled out just this Monday, prevents us from seeing the (stalkers) list 24 hours after. Even through Highlights, where users are able to archive or pin select Stories to their profiles and make them viewable even 24 hours after, viewer list doesn’t show anymore.
Instagram Stories, being the more preferred platform to share real time videos or photos after it launched on August 2016, is basically a staple to social media users.
How do you think does this major update will affect users’ experience and sharing behavior? Is the update as major as we currently think it is?
We feel you, Steve Carell.