In March 2020, the global pandemic Coronavirus aggravated adversely affecting the world economically, socially and even psychologically. SCOPE FOR CHANGE was conceived during these trying times to help alleviate the pain, suffering, and even boredom of people. This is a tournament that provides players with an opportunity to win a total of up to EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS (PHP80,000.00) where majority of the winnings will be given to the beneficiaries or charities of their choice. The prize money was sponsored by our Platinum Sponsors namely Asus and Republic of Gamers, and our Gold Sponsors namely Logitech, JBL Quantum and Adata. This innovative idea of returning back to the community was started by myself, Kyler Hewitt Sy. I am a 15 year old student studying in an international school here in the Philippines. Being an avid gamer, I wanted to translate my passion for esports to bolster the hope of the Filipino people in these times of financial and emotional turmoil. I started this project to coalesce elements of esports and charity. This is combining fun and camaraderie while returning gratitude to the heroes in our society during this pandemic.
The tournament features 16 teams with their own respective cause. It is held on two separate weekends: July 17- to 19 and July 24 to 26. The tournament will run for about three hours. CSGO is Scope For Change’s first esports title, however, because of the overwhelming response, I am strongly considering of expanding to host other games all for charity, hoping to help improve lives from different walks of life. Despite at its barest essence, all this transpired because of my steadfast and fervent passion of helping people while having fun with the aim of building the spirit of Filipino community in my own little way.
It is really an arduous journey to organize an event like this especially for myself as a 15 year old boy. It has taught me to be persistent, resilient and resourceful. I officially opened http://www.scopeforchange.ph/ for registration last June 28 on my 15th birthday as a way to give back to the society in this trying time. It was a wonderful birthday gift because the response was overwhelming. There were more than 20 teams who registered in the first week, and I had to advise and unfortunately reject some teams as the slots were already full. Scope For Change has taught me that human nature specifically Filipinos have a golden heart and will jump at any opportunity to lend a helping hand. Currently, we have sixteen-five player teams playing for sixteen unique and worthwhile charities. My vision for this project also aims to alter the ubiquitous poor connotations esports carries which include its unhealthy and addictive nature. Alternately, I believe esports should convey the same discipline and competitive spirit as traditional sports. Hopefully, this project will also enable esports to draw more parallels between traditional sports rather than just a game that kids play.