In a summit today, June 29, in Osaka Japan, President Donald Trump and President Xin Pi of China talked on the side and good things have come out of the discussion. Quoting Trump ““U.S. companies can sell their equipment to Huawei…. We’re talking about equipment where there’s no great national security problem with it.”
While this is not a permanent okay, the 2 countries have agreed to continue talking further about the trade war and find a deal that is beneficial to both parties. In the meantime, however, US companies can continue selling to Huawei and this should include Intel, Google, ARM, Facebook and other suppliers of software and hardware.
We don’t know when the trade talks will resume but it will be a bigger loss to the U.S if Huawei starts sourcing parts in country instead of the U.S as HUAWEI is currently 2nd largest shipper of smartphones worldwide, and supplies a big chunk of communication devices worldwide. U.S companies will lose a huge chunk of their revenue should they lose Huawei.
Source: Bloomberg