For anyone who just bought a Nintendo Switch, games might seem quite expensive. Moreover, It’s pretty rare for the Nintendo eShop to have regular sales promotions, unlike the wallet-draining STEAM seasonal sales. But truly, this is the best time to buy digital games across all platforms!
Here’s the link to the Nintendo eshop: https://www.nintendo.com/games/sales-and-deals/
Here are our top picks!

Dragonball Fighter Z has been around for some time now, but it’s still considered as one of the best Dragonball-based fighting games currently available. With a widespread fanbase and lots of online competition, getting it now at this price would be a no-brainer.

If you still haven’t played BOTW on your Switch, WTF have you been playing!?! Get the best RPG (probably since forever) at its best pricing yet!

Current game? Check. Best basketball game on Switch? Check. Best 2k iteration so far? Errr… half check. But still, slashing USD30 off one of the most popular games on any platform is a bold move, and a great deal for a lot of basketball loving gamers.

Barely two months after its release last September, Nintendo decided to put on sale the remastered (re-enhanced?) Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. USD10 might not seem much, but for a game with its nostalgia and gameplay, still looks like a pretty good deal!

One of the most popular RPG’s in recent memory, Skyrim has been the benchmark for fantasic gameplay, graphics, and storyline. If you haven’t played it yet, you still won’t regret buying it in 2019. At just USD29.99, it’s a bargain!

They say good things come to those who wait. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate was extremely popular during its release in 2017 for its renewed gameplay and mechanics. Though not the newest game in the Monster Hunter Franchise, it’s still a pretty good RPG for on-the-go gaming.

Perfect for social events, Mario Party has been pretty popular for its vastly entertaining and wide variety of mini-games. Though initial reactions have been mixed, we’ve already played it and we loved it. Take note though that it gets pretty redundant after a while, so it’s mostly recommended for kids who can play it over and over again. At less USD10, it might not be a compelling offer, but its definitely a must-have title for your Switch.
Other recommended games here: