MSI may become world’s #2 motherboard brand by 2020, Asustek to remain #1

Digitimes, in a report last May 2, states that Gigabyte’s downward trend year on year may see them lose their #2 position to MSI in the motherboard worldwide market share. MSI on the other hand is seeing growth year on year despite the downward trend of the over-all market.

Asustek, meanwhile, sees no growth year on year but still manages to maintain atleast a 6 million unit gap versus Gigabytes 12million units in 2017 and less than 10million (estimated) in 2018, thanks to its ROG line.

2018’s estimate figures are as follows:

ASUSTEK – 16.5million units

GIGABYTE – 9.5million units

MSI – 6million units
